Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thing #13 - Tagging and Discover Delicious

At first the whole concept of social bookmarking seemed a little bit weird, but the Common Craft video and the Delicious tutorial podcast helped clarify the whole concept a lot. Social bookmarking and sites like Delicious offer a quick and easy way to gather information and make it available for our students and other members of our campus. The potential for using sites like these in the library is virtually endless and all dependent upon the amount of information available and the number of tags you can create for each site. It is an ideal Web 2.0 tool because it can be accessed from anywhere and not just on a single computer. Libraries can take advantage of social bookmarking sites to help students with projects, research on colleges and/or careers, assistance with test preparation, and help in collaborating with teachers in all subjects for various assignments and projects.

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