Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thing #14 - Technorati and How Tags Work

In my search for "School Library Learning 2.0" on the Technorati website, I wasn't able to come up with any search results. However, I think the Technorati site has a lot of potential and could be very useful in the library, especially for helping our students work towards becoming 21st century learners. The product manager for Technorati, Liz Dunn states that the site "is bringing together the unwashed masses" and thus allowing people to search for information from people like them who will most likely give their honest opinion of the topic and/or item being discussed. Essentially sites like Technorati would be appealing to students because they could get information from people who think like they do and have similar interests and a variety of abilities. Tagging is also a useful 2.0 tool because it makes searching for topics and sites so much easier by linking them together based on a tag word. It is also much simpler to click several tags to get to information that is already filtered for you versus having to delve through site after site until you find one with the information you're looking for.

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