Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thing #23 - Summarize Your Thoughts of this Program

While time consuming and causing several migraines and severe cramps in my neck from staring at the computer so long, I have really learned a lot from participating in this experiment. Some of my favorite exercises were Thing #10 and Thing #11, the online image generator and Library Thing. This program has affected my learning goals because I'm curious to further explore some of the tools I have briefly learned about while doing this program. There are a lot of things that I will take away from this program and try to incorporate into my classroom and later on in my library such as use of social bookmarking via the Delicious website. I would improve upon this program by lessening the amount of exercises because the steps within each are somewhat tedious and there are a lot of extraneous sites to look at a read through before posting your comments. I probably wouldn't participate in a future program based on time limitations. I would describe this experience in one word as informational. It definitely has been an interesting technology experience!

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