Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thing #15 - Web 2.0, Library 2.0, and the Future of Libraries

Library 2.0 to means a library that is fully capable of pushing its users towards being 21st century learning by fully embracing technology and all that it has to offer, especially in the world of education. Blogger Michael Stephens says it best in his post Into a New World of Librarianship that some of the most important traits of Librarian 2.0 are librarians that "plan for their users, embrace Web 2.0 tools, and controls technolust" among a few others. My favorite point that Stephens make is technolust, which is avoiding the purchase of technology just for the sake of having technology. It is best to select technology in the same manner in which we select books and other resources and that is carefully using the proper selection tools.

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